How To Be A Savvy Online Shopper Online shopping is extremely convenient, but you need to take a few steps to make sure you are going to be happy with your purchase. One thing that smart online shoppers always do is make sure they are dealing with a legitimate business – we discussed this in our previous blog post. Prior to placing your order, you should also carefully read the company’s return and exchange policy. Obviously, when you shop online and can’t try on the clothes before purchasing them, you want to be able to return or exchange items if you are unhappy with them. However, customers also need to understand that businesses must protect themselves from situations where people take advantage of a too-lenient return policy and return used or worn items. So do read these provisions carefully and make sure you are OK with them prior to placing your order. Since it’s best if you don’t need to return items in the first place, try to minimize the risk you’ll be unhappy with a product by making sure it is going to be a good fit. In the case of an evening gown, you should take your exact measurements and compare them to the size chart provided on the website to make sure you are ordering the correct size. Reputable online merchants want you to be a happy customer, because happy customers are repeat customers and they are also a company’s greatest ambassadors. The merchant is doing their part by providing you with the information – do make sure you read it and understand it before placing your order.